“Their ultimate goal here, is to turn the entire world into no more meat eating, that's their goal.”
“Can the family farmer survive against corporatized, industrialized and monopolized Big Ag? Will public health continue to deteriorate as essential foods made in a traditional, organic way vanish from the food supply?”
Click here to watch - Amos Miller Organic Farm - THE MOST IMPORTANT FOOD FREEDOM CASE YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF!
14 U.S Cities Planning to Ban Meat, Dairy, Private Cars by 2030;
C40 Cities - A sustainable diet by 2030 is key to solving the climate emergency;
They Lied
Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness
Here is a 9 min. video that explains the idea
Waking up the Masses
- watch our interview with Iron Will
Ways you can help Raise Public Awareness
Ways you can Take Action
Dr. Keys & Cam Watters - new song
- Time's come to rise up Strong and Free
With your help, everyone will know ... TheyLied.ca
"The truth is like a lion;
you don't have to defend it.
Let it loose;
it will defend itself."
~ Saint Augustine
(philosopher, theologian, and bishop)
The stages of action are:
denial >> awareness >> understanding >> solutions
Home Page: https://TheyLied.ca/
Disclaimer: https://TheyLied.ca/Disclaimer.shtml
Their goal is control by any means and turn the world into one big China.
It's all a racket dressed as concern for the planet. What a joke. No respect for any government now, Federal Provincial Municipal.