Julian Assange is an Australian citizen, currently in a British prison (Belmarsh). The U.S. government wants him extradited to the U.S. and is charging him with violating the U.S. Espionage Act of 1917 and alleging he had conspired with hackers.
The persecution of Julian Assange is a grave threat to us all because it grossly impinges on freedom of speech and press freedom. The current proceedings and the issue and situation as a whole are a litmus test for the shared values of democracy, truth and justice. Free The Truth: Free Assange documentary is an urgent clarion call to humanity to join this important campaign.
Before WikiLeaks, we knew a lot less about the world's powerful institutions and leaders than we now know. We knew only what they wanted us to know. WikiLeaks has enabled us to glimpse the rampant and the callousness of modern wars and has exposed countless injustices perpetrated by governments and corporations. Wikileaks was founded on the powerful moral principle that governments and other vested interests should not operate behind walls of secrecy. WikiLeaks has released more than ten million documents of public interest since it was established in 2006, and continues to do so. No one can forget or unsee the brutality that we witnessed, for example, in the collateral murder video, as part of the Iraq War Logs disclosures.
Julian Assange has won more than twenty International awards for his journalism work, yet one of the false narratives is that he is not a journalist. The fact is that Julian re-invented journalism, giving it a previously unimagined level of accuracy.
Through a carefully orchestrated and planned campaign by the U.S., its allies, which has been going on for more than twelve years, he has suffered immense physical and psychological torture, smears, lawfare, spying, assassination plots and many other transgressions of his human rights. His young children have grown up visiting their father in a jail. His wife battles on, on his behalf. If extradited to the U.S. he faces a 175 year prison sentence.
He has been scapegoated and made an example of - in order to ward off other future would-be whistleblowers and publishers who consider exposing the crimes of the powerful. Every major human rights group, including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Reporters Without Borders are on the same page about this issue - that it is a breach of human rights, an erosion of free speech and it sets an alarming precedent.
Let’s work together to help inform and inspire more people to support this cause and take action. If public support reaches a critical mass, it is very possible that the governments will do what the people ask - and free Julian Assange.
Matthew Hoh: Free Julian Assange TODAY:
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Too Sick to Attend Extradition Hearing - Yahoo News - Feb. 20, 2024
Julian Assange: Who is he and what secrets did Wikileaks reveal? - BBC News - Feb. 18, 2024
Free Assange now! - International Federation of Journalists
Protest locations around the world and livestream at: www.StellaAssange.com
Everything You Need to Know about the Government’s Mass Censorship Campaign - Mike Benz with Tucker Carlson - Feb 16, 2024:
"What I’m describing is military rule," says Mike Benz. "It’s the inversion of democracy."
or watch on www.TuckerCarlson.com
Also see our Censorship page:
"The truth is like a lion;
you don't have to defend it.
Let it loose;
it will defend itself."
~ Saint Augustine
(philosopher, theologian, and bishop)
The stages of action are:
denial >> awareness >> understanding >> solutions
This is a litmus test. Without freedom of speech there is no freedom, no democracy, only a totalitarian/authoritarian/military state.