TheyLied: Hypocrites - Ontario will "protect key agricultural areas" for new energy projects, but is quite happy to plow over prime farmland in Wilmot Township for unspecified development. WTF?
The province is making efforts to protect key agricultural areas throughout the process, the minister said.
Ground-mounted solar panels will be prohibited on prime agricultural farmland, said Lecce, who pledged the province would "never misuse" those lands.
"Our farmers need more energy more than ever," Lecce said.
"They need access to to affordable energy and so we made a commitment to work with them on a policy that ultimately will respect prime agricultural land."
Meanwhile, in the Region of Waterloo:
Wilmot farmers take tractor protest to Waterloo Regional council, demand to have their voices heard;
Tractor convoy winds through Waterloo Region as farmers protest land assembly;
Over 40 tractors take part in convoy protesting Wilmot land assembly.
They Lied
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~ Saint Augustine
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Would it help your cause to know that these entities are all CORPORATIONS, masquerading as government institutions? From your local municipal authourity, to Provincial and Federal government agencies, they are all committing masssive fraud on a gigantic scale, and we're all suffering from this trespass/theft/fraud/corruption.
The work by John Tait to create awareness of property rights taken across Ontario,
Our land is being stolen by fraudulent restrictions imposed!