Susan Lawson is a researcher, writer and congressional affairs specialist with two decades of experience in government service. She's also a longtime advocate for liberty, medical freedom, and a self-governed life. shares updates on André’s legal battles for justice, inviting supporters to raise awareness and attend his court hearings as observers to demonstrate public interest, hoping for positive outcomes and new precedents for all Canadians.
I'm an activist who likes to publish my findings and inspirations in real-time. If you subscribe to the, great to have your interest and support! This is also where you can support my work directly. Thanks!
We Unify's newsletter provides your definitive guide to democracy and citizen engagement! With deep insights and exclusive interviews, this publication reflects the pulse of democracy by providing you with critical analysis of today's biggest stories.
Act! For Canada stands on guard to defend Canada and the Canadian people against all enemies, foreign and domestic who, through stealth or outright aggression, seek to undermine our freedoms, economic prosperity, traditional values and heritage.
Cancer does NOT have to be a death sentence. As long as there's breath, there's hope. We provide powerful solutions you won't find anywhere else. We share the TRUTH about CANCER and VACCINES and are the MOST CENSORED COUPLE ON THE PLANET! Join us!
Freedom requires information and action. Our Freedoms are at risk. You'll find fearless truth, irreverence and a lot of dead sacred cows here. No political correctness need apply at this Substack
The Defender is Children’s Health Defense’s online news site. We report on the toxic exposures driving today's epidemic of childhood disease and how agency capture has led government agencies to protect corporate profits at the expense of public health.
Lifer in pharmaceutical R&D in big pharma as well as biotech. A biology PhD. Fighting medical tyranny.
I’ve been speaking out pro bono since spring 2020.
Please see also my Telegram Account
A gathering place for freaks, geeks and conspiracy theorists. I explore and expose the subtext underlying public health, political, and cultural artifacts. In other words, I try to answer the ever-more pressing question: WTF IS ACTUALLY GOING ON???
Welcome to Biopolitiks by Dr. Alejandro Diaz a newsletter in which I touch on medicine, migration, biosecurity, public health policy, and related topics.
Dr Mark Trozzi, is a veteran ER physician and trauma expert, who has taught at three top medical schools. Since 2020, he's opposed the criminal COVID agenda, fighting for human rights, justice, and the World Council for Health.
I'm a researcher. Come explore uncomfortable Truths in a lighthearted way that makes them easier to digest (and sometimes even hilarious). I publish special deep dives for paid subs on the 1st and 15th, everything else is free.
My dedication to uphold my deepest convictions has no price. I will never sacrifice the health of my patients for a paycheque, so when I was called by God to pivot, I did so. - Dr. James Thorp, MD
Authentic conversations with fascinating people exploring health and wellness. 100% supported by you, the listeners and readers.
To receive additional content and support my work defending our freedoms, please subscribe to the paid substack.
Love x
CISA drove my website out of business and I've been de-platformed by Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, MailChimp, ConstantContact and Ezoic. Amazon de-platformed my film and Wikipedia deleted their article on me. I'm nearly disappeared off the web...
An independent, podcast-fuelled newsletter devoted to dismantling weaponized "consensus" in science: COVID-19, transgender care, nutrition, and mental health.
A 501(c)(3) Public Charity Incorporated in Arizona - Faith-based human rights charity defending LIFE as God designed, combating tyranny on all fronts, providing medical treatments and legal action tools for health. Where conspiracy meets medical truth.
The focus is health freedom, health and wellness and putting kids first.
“Who you listen to determines what you hear, where you stand determines what you see, and what you do determines who you are.”