Following the money, that just never runs out brings up a lot more questions on how UN is to be funded with what they say they want. Are they getting it through funded wars to push these agendas, where else could or would it come from. Annual cost for reaching the SDG's More than 5 trillion. How do we know what is actually going on. Russia seems to be in pretty good shape. According to the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), this represents between $1,179 and $1,383 per person, per year.
The study factors in 50 SDG indicators across 90 countries, covering three quarters of the global population.
For the world’s 48 developing economies, the shortfall is estimated at $337 billion annually, if they are to take the required action on climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.
When expanded to cover all developing economies, using the median per-capita cost for the 48 in the study, total annual needs rise to between $6.9 trillion and $7.6 trillion.
Although finding this kind of investment will likely be extremely difficult for countries with limited resources, the solution lies in allocating funding in cross-cutting areas, such as education, which also advances gender equality, poverty reduction and innovation – all Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets.
“Merely increasing funds won’t guarantee success. Governments, companies, investors and institutions need to strategically allocate their resources,” said Anu Peltola, who heads UNCTAD Statistics. “They don't have to stretch every dollar to cover every goal.”
The analysis focuses on six paths for transformation through sustainable development: social protection and decent jobs, transforming education, food systems, climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, energy transition and inclusive digitization.
Following the money, that just never runs out brings up a lot more questions on how UN is to be funded with what they say they want. Are they getting it through funded wars to push these agendas, where else could or would it come from. Annual cost for reaching the SDG's More than 5 trillion. How do we know what is actually going on. Russia seems to be in pretty good shape. According to the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), this represents between $1,179 and $1,383 per person, per year.
The study factors in 50 SDG indicators across 90 countries, covering three quarters of the global population.
For the world’s 48 developing economies, the shortfall is estimated at $337 billion annually, if they are to take the required action on climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.
When expanded to cover all developing economies, using the median per-capita cost for the 48 in the study, total annual needs rise to between $6.9 trillion and $7.6 trillion.
Although finding this kind of investment will likely be extremely difficult for countries with limited resources, the solution lies in allocating funding in cross-cutting areas, such as education, which also advances gender equality, poverty reduction and innovation – all Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets.
“Merely increasing funds won’t guarantee success. Governments, companies, investors and institutions need to strategically allocate their resources,” said Anu Peltola, who heads UNCTAD Statistics. “They don't have to stretch every dollar to cover every goal.”
The analysis focuses on six paths for transformation through sustainable development: social protection and decent jobs, transforming education, food systems, climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, energy transition and inclusive digitization.